Friday, December 23, 2011

12/14/2011 復興禱告會

11/9分享將來動盪中“神同在如同瀑布降下”,成為萬人祝福,上週禱告會看到進一步啟示:生命河坐滿的禱告會場原來就是神同在湧出的源頭,講台成了巨大 的瀑布!生命河的復興信息將在世界各地帶出神的榮耀同在,影響和祝福當今世代,所有這些皆因我們不住禱告!當晚神再次啟示生命河的恩膏運作已經進入新階段。聖靈說生命河是“多產的婦人”, 2012年眾人將經歷屬天的供應。(Alan)
這兩天神一直把以賽亞45章2到3節放在我裡面,神說:「我必在你前面行,修平崎嶇之地,我必打斷銅門砍斷鐵栓。我要將暗中的寶物和隱藏的財寶賜給你,使你知道提名召你的乃是我耶和華。 我們要宣告神的得勝 (Ingrid)

利未記16:2: 要告訴你哥哥亞倫,不可隨時進聖所的幔子內,到櫃上的施恩座前,免得他死亡,因為我要從雲中顯現在施恩座上。

Friday, November 18, 2011

11/16/2011 復興禱告會

在異象當中我看見生命河靈糧堂左邊上空的天空天開了,有天梯從上面下來。(左邊指屬靈, 屬靈的天空開了). 我的領受是神將要降下一波復興在我們當中。但是神也啟示我說2012年會有許多的難處和難關在我們前面。不過神向我們說他會與我們同在。神啟示我申命記 31:8 "耶和華必在你前面行,他必與你同在,他不撇下你也不丟棄你,不要懼怕,也不要驚慌。" 我們真的是要起來禱告要宣告(Ingrid)



Friday, October 21, 2011

10/19/2011 復興禱告會

異象中見到神要進一步提升生命河在宣教方面的影響。生命河宣教網絡初步成型,不僅自己培養差遣,還要成為中轉站,許多有宣教呼召的人將來到我們當中得休息和造就,領受復興異象,再順著生命河支流擴展出去。生命河發展的原動力就是宣教,神提醒我們繼續為宣教的擴展禱告。 異象中見到將有許多宣教士來到這裡,見證分享神的榮耀和權能。

牧師分享 (Dr. Koshy牧師分享)
今天於禱告會中請到印度信心神學院的Dr. Koshy來到我們當中分享,此神學院是生命河靈糧堂支持的機構之一;今年以79歲高齡,再度來到本堂的Dr. Koshy說到自己的一生及對這世代培養年輕一代神的僕人的負擔。
如今信心神學院在美國德州、紐澤西、英國倫敦還有靠海的國家,都有學校,Dr. Koshy的異象是要興起當代的年輕人來傳福音,目前已有3000多人從此學院畢業,並進入福音工場做神的工作;而接下來呢?神要他於印度建堂,籌款目標是20萬美元,他對神很有信心也深信神會預備。
最後,Dr. Koshy提到世界上有三種人,第一種是虛度光陰(waste time)、虛擲金錢(waste money)且糊裡糊塗過完人生(waste life),第二種是使用時間(spend time)、金錢(spend money)就這樣度過人生(spend life) ,第三種是投資時間(invest time)、金錢(invest money)且活出有影響力的人生(invest life)。他語重心長地提醒我們,相信神是信實的,且我們的眼光要放在神的國度中。

你相信神知道你需要什麼?何時需要?且需要多少嗎?Dr. Koshy所提到的三種人,你是哪一種呢?讓我們彼此勉勵,將所有擁有一切,投資在神國度的永恆當中!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

10/05/2011 復興禱告會

近來有許多復興的啟示。首先神機會的風乃是撒網的季節,範圍大小的關鍵在於回應神的呼召進入服事崗位;不僅是教會裡面的服事,更多是職場和生活、社區中的 服事。神提醒祂是做新事的神,敬拜中再次問,你們為什麼不求?或求恩賜,或求神跡,難道現在不是機會的風的季節?異象中看到許多人只要憑信心邁出第一步,就會步入成功。

牧師分享 (Quoc牧師分享)
先知以利亞就是像你我一樣性情的人,當他懇切禱告三年六個月不下雨,就真的不下雨; 這可以讓你我釋放很多,讓我知道在教會我不必表現得很完美, 或者好像裝得沒事情發生,要穿最好的服飾或笑容,但我認為教會應該是即使我表現很糟,卻仍能被接納且不被批評的一個地方;人有時轉向世界是因為教會的人,無法接納這些犯錯的人,他們就轉向世界,因為屬世界的人反而不會論斷他們。




Tuesday, September 27, 2011

09/21/2011 復興禱告會

在約珥書3910 神對我說 “當在萬民中宣告說備打仗”, 要“激動勇士使一切戰士上前來”,“要將犁頭打成刀劍”,要“將鐮刀打成戈矛”,然後要說我有能力。神要鼓勵那些覺得自己不知道能做什麼的弟兄姊妹,要宣告,要說“我有能力”。

第二、神在我們生命中的工作是榮耀的:相信神在你的生命當中有一個得勝的計畫,從Pastor Babolt 身上看到神如何用他的生命與夢想—建立蒙古最大的教會,來榮耀成就祂自己的工作,所以在你生命中的每一個夢想或掙扎,要學習從神的角度來看,祂或許在磨鍊你,訓練你,但相信你的一生是來榮耀神的。


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

09/08/2011 Revival Prayer Meeting

Psalms 2:8 Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth you possession.
In vision, I saw a huge harvest and God put our church in it. Many people don’t know where to start to reap the crops because the portion for each one is large. But the harvest time doesn’t wait for people.  God reminds us the importance and urgency of caring for His Kingdom.   Actually, harvesting the souls is easier than we thought, as long as we are willing to take the first step. We just need to be there for God and have faith in God that He will send His workers to help.   

Psalms 3:3 (by Pastor Tong Liu)
While the coming of the 9/11 memorials is near, many special activities and programs are hold in memory of September 11, 2001. Pastor Liu shared that one of our daughter churches- Harvest Church of New York, was formed after the crisis. Pastor Xiao has a heart to build a spirit-filled church to serve the local Chinese people in such a difficult time. Surprisingly, this church experienced an astonishing growth in numbers in the past ten years.
Last week, when Pastor Liu visited the Ground Zero again, he was very touched by the scene he saw- a cross, which is formed by intersecting steel beams in the rubble. Although World Trade Center buildings collapsed, this 9/11 Memorial Cross represented a symbol of perseverance and faith. The glory of men would be gone one day, however, the glory of God remains eternal. Our God bestows glory on us and lifts up our heads.
Let’s pray for America and this land. Ask God’s glory manifests here and not to condemn USA. Let’s learn from Nehemiah, he said, “ I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my father’s house, have committed against you.” The hope of this nation is our God. We are experiencing the longest economic crisis since 2008, let’s stand on the gap to pray and believe only He can bring changes and breakthrough.  When there seems no way, God will make a way. Revival only comes in crisis or a difficult situation. God is always willing to help us.

Is there any situation you cannot solve in your life? Do you know God always can lift up your head? Put your hope in our victorious God and you will know your problems can be resolved because of Him.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

09/08/2011 復興禱告會

詩篇2章8節: 你求我,我就將列國賜你為基業,將地極賜你為田產。





Tuesday, August 16, 2011

8/10/2011 復興禱告會

台上的禱告代表努力地帶著大家禱告,台下的會眾也三兩聚集,呼應台上的禱告勇士們,整個以馬內利廳充滿同心合意的禱告與敬拜;願我們的禱告,如同馨香的挽祭,達到神的寶座前蒙神喜悅,也願神的國降臨,祂的心意在美國這片土地完全彰顯,God bless America!

Friday, June 10, 2011

6/08/2011 Revival Prayer Meeting

Last year we have been talking about the wind of opportunity, God gave me a vision it is the first step, like a sunrise in the morning. There will be a second wind of opportunity. This wave of revival will expand even further and more.

Acts 2: 1-4
Today, the church needs to see the great mighty deed of the Lord in current time. This coming Sunday is the day of Pentecost. Let’s take a look at this scripture and meditate the event happened in this very day. The Holy Spirit poured out upon the disciples. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit comes from the signs and wonders. The fact that the Holy Spirit enormously showers down the power results in two manifestations. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit is like a wind and firing tongue.
There are three attributes of “Wind”:
1.    You can sense it- no matter it is breeze or strong wind; we can feel it. When the wind is blowing, we can sense and feel it. The Lord is with us for sure. The church needs to see that. The weakness of current churches is we are not so sure God is still working NOW. But often times, God chooses His timing and way to manifest His works. So that the people of this generation would have deep reverence of God.
2.    You cannot predict it- John 3:8 says, “The wind blows wherever it pleases.” You can hear the sound of wind, but you cannot know where it comes from and where it would go. Even though the high technology is so advanced; it is difficult to forecast the tornados, typhoons precisely. Similarly, the work of the Holy Spirit is not predictable, such as Azusa Street Revival moment. God chose an ordinary African American brother- William Seymour to ignite the revival fire in 1906. Therefore, we should know the lordship of revival is in God’s hands.
3.    It brings “change”- nothing can remain the same blown by a strong wind. Similarly, when the Holy Spirit fall upon us, it must bring “transformation” and our lives will no longer be the same. Sometimes, you feel chaotic or disorganized. More likely, the work of the Holy Spirit turns one life upside down, and He does “tear-down” work and remove all the barriers, darkness in one’s life. Do not be afraid, just welcome the Holy Spirit and let Him do new things in your life.

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit is like “fire”. We notice two features of “fire”:
1.    It cannot be hidden.
2.    It spreads out- the work of Holy Spirit will not be stopped by the persecution. It will grow from you, to the cell group; from your cell group to the church and to the Bay Area.
3.    It has power- it brings light and heat. In Acts 4:29-30 “Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”  Let’s continue to expect God is going to do miracles and wonders among us.
4.    It needs to be ignited- that is why you need to come to the prayer meeting. Let’s be hungry for God and obedient to the Holy Spirit so that the fire can be ignited from us.

Are we obedient enough in small things? Think about it and maybe the beginning of the revival in this church starts from you!

6/08/2011 復興禱告會


第二、風是不可預測的,約翰福音三章八節說到風隨著意思吹,你聽見風的響聲,卻不曉得從哪裡來, 往哪裏去。即使科技再怎麼發達,風的動向仍是很難預測得很精準;同樣的,聖靈何時要澆灌下來,也是很難知道,像1906年阿蘇薩街大復興運動,神揀選一為美裔黑人,在一個看似不起眼的建築物內,來帶動此復興浪潮;今天我們可以做當做的一切的準備工作,但我們也必須承認,復興的主權是在於神,所以我們才能謙卑自己來到神的面前尋求。
第三、火具有能力,火會產生光與熱並帶來能力。在使徒行傳第四章二十九至三十節看到使徒們的服事是極具能力的; 聖靈澆灌下來時候,是有神蹟奇事發生的。


Friday, May 27, 2011

5/25/2011 Revival Prayer Meeting

Exodus 3:3-4  So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight- why the bush does not burn up.” When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!”  And Moses said, “Here I am.”
I saw a vision that a new wave in our church, the wave of “Revival.” We need to pray for more people to have a spiritual curiosity so that those who are called by God can see His glory and enter His predestination. May people from all over the world will be drawn to our church’s vision- Wind of Revival.

Genesis 28:20-22 (from Pastor Belinda)
We have been talking about “Family Prayer Altar.”  When we see the family prayer altar been built, we will see the spiritual heaven will be opened. We are very excited to see our prayers been answered. “Bethel” represents “the house of God”, and Jacob clearly knew this place is where God’s blessings and His presence reveal. God also spoke to Jacob in Bethel. Tonight, we will see how Jacob responded to God.
When Jacob left his father’s place, he was trying to escape and did not want to seek God. On this journey, he was tired and did not know what would happen in the future. But because Abraham’s prayer and built a prayer altar, we see that God appeared Himself to Jacob. All of sudden, Jacob realized that God is with him. So he made a vow, which is a very common prayer as yours and mine. We can see Jacob did not have a full faith in God, he said “If” God will be with me.... In Jacob’s mind, he cannot trust God.
As parents, I realize when we pray for our children, we probably cannot see the changes right away. However, we need to know our children should encounter God. They really need to have assurance that God is with them on daily basis. We see when Jacob left home and turned in twenty years. He had been lied to, labored hard and experienced difficulties. This time when Jacob returning back home, Jacob realized God had dealt with him and worked a lot in his life.
Actually God did allow Jacob to experience many trials and tests in his life. So when Jacob returned to his home, he can have the desire to build the altar and know God is so real and true. So let us not give up on praying for your children. Even though there are times we face tests, feel discouraged. We still need to keep our hope in God and know God will lead them back in His own timing.   

Pastor Belinda’s testimony:
As a mom of two pretty daughters, Pastor Belinda often prayed for them when they were kids. She tried so hard to pray for their characters. Years later, the children were grown up. After they sent one of their daughters to LA for college, she gave Pastor Tong Liu and Belinda a letter. The letter was about that she wanted to walk her way and explored the world. She only asked Pastor Belinda to continue praying for her. She said “I believe one day I will return back to God and trust Him, but not now.” 
On that day, Pastor Belinda was so disappointed that she thought all of her prayers for the children were in vain. She cried out to God and the only thing she could hold onto was the paragraph in the letter: please continue to pray for me and I will return back to God one day. So she prayed for her daughter every day and proclaimed that one day her daughter would turn back to Him. The only thing she could do was to establish the prayer of altar. In these five years, God had strengthened Pastor Belinda’s prayer muscle; she began to write down her own journey, also known as the book- How to pray for your children’s spiritual character. Pastor Belinda was a bit hesitant to publish this book because her daughter had not turned back to God yet.  God challenged her faith and asked her to trust Him more, so by faith, Pastor Belinda submitted the scripts to the publishers.
One night, the daughter gave Pastor Belinda a call and told her she wanted God to build up the Godly character. Just as Pastor Belinda’s daughter said, “even though I came back to God, I am not perfect yet, please continuing praying for me.” Our God is so amazing that He does listen to prayers and answer them. Do not give up or disappointed, just lift up your children before God.

Are you worried about your children? Can you lift them up before God and continue praying for them? Let’s build up the family prayer altar and pray God can bring them back.

5/25/2011 復興禱告會

出埃及記 3:3-4 耶和華的使者從荊棘裡火焰中向摩西顯現。摩西觀看說"我要過去看這大異象,這荊棘為何沒有燒壞呢?" 耶和華神見他過去要看,就從荊棘裡呼叫說:"摩西!摩西!" 他說:"我在這裡。"
今早異夢中見上一波復興的西人弟兄姊妹在歡慶中等待華人肢體的上台,復興時刻如此之近,不要膽怯!異象中見到生命河建築如復興靈火中之荊棘,我們要禱告更 多的人有摩西的屬靈好奇心,”我要過去看這大異象“(出3:3),以致蒙神按名呼喚,得見神榮耀,進入命定。願世界各地的人都被生命河異象吸引,一同復興。





Wednesday, May 25, 2011

5/18/2011 Revival Prayer Meeting

Isaiah 7:15 “He will eat curds and honey when he knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right.”
When God is expanding our church ministries, He also reminds you and me to choose to do the right things. God will reveal His new ways so we should purify and prepare ourselves to be a channel of His blessings.

Genesis 31:13
We are still talking about Jacob. “Bethel” is a special place, because God very seldom connects himself with a location. He said I am a God of Bethel. He linked himself with a location. Bethel is a place where the prayer altar is built on. Abraham built an altar here and prayed before God, so did Jacob. Actually, “Bethel” originally represents “House of God”. In other words, “Bethel” symbolized “Church”. That means whatever God was calling people to do in Bethel, He is calling us to do at church in this moment as well. A while ago, we talked about Genesis 35 that God had asked Jacob to build a prayer altar. That is why Jesus says, “My temple will be called the temple of prayer.” Bethel is the place that God invited people to pray.  In our heart, we need to pray. In our cell groups, prayer meetings, we should start to pray. This is God calling us to do whenever we are. We see “Bethel” overshadowing Church, so what God has done in Bethel at that time, God is going to do here, at church, today! In June and July, there are Ling Leung Conference and 21 Day Healing Crusade, let us not to focus on so many tedious works to do, we should know God is doing miraculous things now in our church.
Genesis 28:16-17 describes how Jacob met God here. It says when Jacob awoke from his sleep, he was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven.” Here we see three things God wants us to do:
1.    “Bethel” is the gate of heaven- a place where the heaven will be opened. These days we have been talking we need to open our spiritual heavens. So we need to pray for church, cell group, otherwise our hearts are being oppressed. Even though we want to be joyful, however, we lost the power of being happy. Why? It is because the gate of heaven has not been opened. That is why we cannot see the works of God, we cannot hear from God. We can see “church” is actually the place, exit or door to open the spiritual heaven.
2.    “Bethel” is location where God manifests His presence- here we see Jacob said, “Surely the Lord is in this place…” Church is not a place filled with programs, ministries; it is mainly a place that God’s presence is manifested. Let’s God turn around our heart towards Him, seek His presence more than anything else on this earth.  
3.    “Bethel” is a place where people meet God- even though some of us come to this place, the house of God, their hearts will be drawn to God. Once the altar of prayer has been established, the Holy Spirit can start working in people’s hearts. The church is such a miraculous place where God shows Himself among us.

No matter what you do and serve, let’s cry out to God in these three things: Open the gate of heaven, show us your presence and so people drawn near to you.

Friday, May 20, 2011

5/18/2011 復興禱告會


以賽亞書7:15  當他曉得棄惡擇善的時候,他必喫奶油與蜂蜜。

異夢中見到現階段復興場地已成形,唯有廚房的下水道堵塞滿溢。 今早異夢中見到現階段復興場地已成形,唯有廚房的下水道堵塞滿溢。異象中見到賽7:15,“當他曉得棄惡擇善的時候,他必喫奶油與蜂蜜”。神提醒在事工和服事迅速擴展的同時,我們不可忽略心思意念每天的更新變化,當刻意警省,“棄惡擇善”,成為暢通的復興管道,必蒙神在荒年中奶油與蜂蜜的祝福。神啟示祂的 新作為即將降臨,故此我們應當自潔、預備。“當他曉得棄惡擇善的時候,他必喫奶油與蜂蜜”。神提醒在事工和 服事迅速擴展的同時,我們不可忽略心思意念每天的更新變化,當刻意警省,“棄惡擇善”,成為暢通的復興管道,必蒙神在荒年中奶油與蜂蜜的祝福。神啟示祂的新作為即將降臨,故此我們應當自潔、預備。

還是在講雅各的事情「伯特利」是個很特別的地方因為神很少把自己跟一個地名連在一起這幾個星期我們常講到 「伯特利」除了這是一個禱告祭壇被建立的地方另外其實這個字代表「神的殿」也就是「神的教會」; 既然伯特利是豫表「教會」因此神當時呼召人在伯特利所要做的事情今天教會也要做這也是耶穌基督說「我的殿要成為禱告的殿」因為伯特利是神邀請人來禱告的地方讓我們心中隨時不住地禱告吧!讓我們在小組生活中禱告在教會禱告會裏禱告吧!或不管你人在哪裡也都隨時禱告吧!
(2) 伯特利是神顯明祂同在的地方—所以雅各說神真的在這裡啊!雖然教會有很多事情事工在進行,但教會主要是神顯明祂同在的地方,渴望神的同在勝過一切的東西,當靈糧特會,21天醫治佈道會,我們擔心事情很多、預算夠不夠,但最重要的是看重神的同在,勝過這一切事情,因為只有在神同在中,人的生命才能得以翻轉。
(3) 伯特利是人與神相遇的地方—即使人不預期的來到這地,就感到莫名奇妙的感到被神的愛觸摸、聖靈就能在他的心中工作,教會就是這麼神奇的地方。


Friday, May 13, 2011

5/04/2011 Revival Prayer Meeting

Amos 3:7 “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.”
God is looking for vessels, workers. He is moving among us and doing more wonders and miracles to heal this land. If God reveals you to do something, just obey and do it. He is waiting for you to say, “Yes, here I am, please send me.”

Genesis 35:9-13  “Altar” is the place God made covenant with us. God’s convent is not just salvation; it is also a convent of “life”. So many times you may say, “I don’t know what God is doing, what His will is…” that is because we did not build up the altar of prayer, so we could not really understand God’s heart and plan for us. From this passage, God made convent with Jacob in three areas of his life:
First, a covenant of life changing: he changed Jacob’s name to Israel. “Jacob” means, “grasps”. He used his own strength working hard for his own need. God taught Jacob not to depend on himself, but lean on God. Do you know depending on God takes practice as well? When you built up your altar, you start to rely on God.
Secondly, a covenant of enlarging territory. Our God is almighty God, He does not want you to stay in the valley. He will walk you through the valley and enter the Promised Land. The theme of 2011 is “New Frontier, New Opportunity.” Let’s have great expectation of God and step out from our current place.
Lastly, it is a covenant of inheritance. We know God revealed Abraham the promised land, but only Jacob (Israel) inherited the land, and it happened in his lifetime. Why is that? The reason is he built the altar of prayer. Let’s not neglect the importance of prayer altar.

Is there something in your life, family, career that you want to fix with your own way and strength? Let’s trust in God and believe His way is higher than yours, His will is better than yours.

5/04/2011 復興禱告會


1.              生命改變之約—
2.              擴張生命之約—
3.              得地為業之約—


Friday, April 29, 2011

4/20/2011 Revival Prayer Meeting

Joshua 1:11-15 “….until the Lord gives them rest, as he has done for you, and until they too have taken possession of the land that the Lord your God is giving them.” God has given us the land, and we need to take the step of faith to get the ownership of the land.  

Genesis 35:1-5 “Bethel” was the where God met with Jacob. There is a reason that God chose Jacob and chose Bethel to appear to Jacob. God chose Bethel because it was also the place Abraham built an altar. So, God wanted Jacob to build an altar at the same place when he was fleeing from his brother. Jacob had a dream there, in his dream; he saw a ladder connected all the way to Heaven. God’s angels went up and down on that ladder. It depicts the Heaven is opened. God’s will has no hindrance whatsoever in that place. Jacob met God there, in Bethel.
Today, God is also calling us to build the altar of prayer; we also have spiritual heavens in our lives. It should be opened so that there will be no hindrance between you and God. When will this heaven be opened? It starts from your heart. Get rid of idols in your mind. The idols can be your worries, things you are afraid of etc. Brothers and sisters, we can just simply come before God and proclaim to get rid of those idols.
Next, we need to purify ourselves. How? Think about where are the places you like to hang out? Spend most of your time at? Or speak about? Spend time to pray, like a priest, to pray for yourself, leaders, career, cell group and community etc.
Then, what should we expect? 1) The spiritual heaven will be opened. 2) God will answer our prayers. 3) God’s favor will rest upon us. Brothers and sisters, God wants us to rise up and come to build the altar of prayer now where we can see another spiritual heaven will be opened so that we can hear God’s plan and will clearly from Him.
Today in your mind, what occupies you most of the time? Give it to God and remove it from your mind, experience the opened heaven in your spiritual life once again!! 

4/20/2011 復興禱告會


那我們該期待什麼會發生?1)你個人屬靈天空會被打開 2)神將應允你我的禱告 3)神的恩寵會臨到我們。弟兄姊妹,神要將我們興起來建立禱告祭壇,讓我們ㄧ同來建造,看見神的旨意與計畫於我們生命中流露!



Thursday, April 28, 2011

4/06/2011 Revival Prayer Meeting

Ezkiel 37:10  So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath enter them; they became to life and stood up on their feet- a vast army.
The people in the church will rise up, new anointing and healing is moving among us. Those whose spirits are like dry bones will become alive again. The prayer meeting will become a celebration, festival that draws visitors coming to receive the blessings from the Lord.
Message (guest speaker: Rev. Dean Sherman)
Hebrews 11:6 says, “Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and they he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” So, God is pleased by our faith. We must believe and God is the rewarder. Prayer or long hour prayer meeting does not please God unless it accompanies with faith. When we pray, we must believe and expect. Numbers 13 illustrates what makes God most displeased is unbelief.  
Hebrews 4:16 “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” So we know we can expect something, our faith is based on grace. Jesus died for us and we have access now to enter the holy place.
Jesus teaches us ask and keep on asking, knock and keep knocking. Whoever keeps asking “will” receive. He also tells us how Kingdom works. In Luke 8, the woman took the initiative by exercising her faith so that she got healed. Her faith touches Jesus because she was so determined to get the healing from Jesus.
Mathew6:7-8 says “When you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” The amount of time of prayer, length of prayer, intensity of prayer, and sacrificialness of prayer will not make our prayers to be answered by God. Jesus sacrificed himself for us so that we can have the access; it is a gift from God.
How should we pray then, Jesus teaches us in Mathew 6:9 “Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be your name…” therefore you and I can have the confidence as Jesus to come before God. God is never away from us.
Lastly, we should be dependent on God. He wants us to rely on Him every day. God likes to maneuver you into a place of need. Why? Because he wants to meet your needs. That is where the intimacy and relationship comes from. Don’t feel hesitate or shamed to come before Him and ask.

Do you really believe God will do something when you ask? This week, just exercise your faith and come boldly before His throne and ask. God wants to be needed!

4/06/2011 復興禱告會


Dean Sherman牧師分享
馬太福音67-8節:「你們禱告,不可像外邦人,用許多重複的話,他們以為話多了必蒙垂聽。你們不可效法他們,因為你們沒有祈求以先,你們所需用的,你們的父早已知道了。」禱告時間的多寡 ,質量或犧牲式的禱告並不會使神更能應允你的禱告,實際上耶穌基督已經犧牲他自己,所以我們才有管道向神祈求,這是從神來的恩典,信心是最重要的。那我們應該怎麼禱告?馬太福音69節主教導我們:我們在天上的父願人尊你的名為聖」所以我們知道能有信心來到他面前他是慈愛的父神希望如同耶穌到父神面前ㄧ樣,神從不離棄我們


Friday, April 1, 2011

03/30/2011 Prayer Meeting

Micah 6:8   He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Because of God’s great mercy, our prayer meeting has been moved to Emmanuel chapel. We should keep standing in awe of God to witness God’s glory. God will also make our path bright and smooth, cleanse the uncleanness. We can just walk on our bare feet closely with God.
The wind of opportunities is still blowing and it is getting stronger and stronger. As we received this prophet- the wind of Opportunities, what can we do to remain in this wind of rival? Usually, revival brings out three effects: 1. Life    2. Blow away the enemies’ works    3.Power
First of all, in Ezekiel 37, the dry bones refer to the Israelis but actually we can be the “dry bones” as well. Do you lose hope in God? Why we lose our hope in God? Couple of reasons: 1. Our difficulty is greater than what we can bear, 2. Unanswered prayer. But we need to remind ourselves that God never forgets you and me. We are always in His hands and He is still working on behalf of us. So let’s pick up the hope in God and “alive” again.
Secondly, the wind of revival can also blow away all the works of enemies’. Psalm 68:1 says: “May God arise, may his enemies scattered; may his foes flee before him.” Sometimes we allow the enemies to deceive us so that we cannot see God is sitting on the throne. We doubt, have fears and cannot hear the voice of God. When the wind of God comes, these works will be blown away.
Lastly, in Act 2:2, as the apostles in early church stage, we should ask Holy spirit pour His power pour upon us and it can bring changes. In Gospels, disciples just watched Jesus doing miracles and wonders, but in Acts, they performed and did wonders in the name of Jesus. Their serving was with God’s power so that miracles and wonders tremendously increased. We also need to ask the Holy Spirit to renew our lives day by day. Do not use tiredness as an excuse. Especially when you feel extremely tired, ask God’s presence and Holy Spirit to fill you.
Do you have hope in the Lord? Or do you feel you want to distant yourself from God because of the unanswered prayers? Do not be deceived by the enemies and fix your eyes on God. Simply ask God to bring the wind of revival into your spiritual life again!