Friday, April 1, 2011

03/30/2011 Prayer Meeting

Micah 6:8   He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Because of God’s great mercy, our prayer meeting has been moved to Emmanuel chapel. We should keep standing in awe of God to witness God’s glory. God will also make our path bright and smooth, cleanse the uncleanness. We can just walk on our bare feet closely with God.
The wind of opportunities is still blowing and it is getting stronger and stronger. As we received this prophet- the wind of Opportunities, what can we do to remain in this wind of rival? Usually, revival brings out three effects: 1. Life    2. Blow away the enemies’ works    3.Power
First of all, in Ezekiel 37, the dry bones refer to the Israelis but actually we can be the “dry bones” as well. Do you lose hope in God? Why we lose our hope in God? Couple of reasons: 1. Our difficulty is greater than what we can bear, 2. Unanswered prayer. But we need to remind ourselves that God never forgets you and me. We are always in His hands and He is still working on behalf of us. So let’s pick up the hope in God and “alive” again.
Secondly, the wind of revival can also blow away all the works of enemies’. Psalm 68:1 says: “May God arise, may his enemies scattered; may his foes flee before him.” Sometimes we allow the enemies to deceive us so that we cannot see God is sitting on the throne. We doubt, have fears and cannot hear the voice of God. When the wind of God comes, these works will be blown away.
Lastly, in Act 2:2, as the apostles in early church stage, we should ask Holy spirit pour His power pour upon us and it can bring changes. In Gospels, disciples just watched Jesus doing miracles and wonders, but in Acts, they performed and did wonders in the name of Jesus. Their serving was with God’s power so that miracles and wonders tremendously increased. We also need to ask the Holy Spirit to renew our lives day by day. Do not use tiredness as an excuse. Especially when you feel extremely tired, ask God’s presence and Holy Spirit to fill you.
Do you have hope in the Lord? Or do you feel you want to distant yourself from God because of the unanswered prayers? Do not be deceived by the enemies and fix your eyes on God. Simply ask God to bring the wind of revival into your spiritual life again!

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