Friday, June 10, 2011

6/08/2011 Revival Prayer Meeting

Last year we have been talking about the wind of opportunity, God gave me a vision it is the first step, like a sunrise in the morning. There will be a second wind of opportunity. This wave of revival will expand even further and more.

Acts 2: 1-4
Today, the church needs to see the great mighty deed of the Lord in current time. This coming Sunday is the day of Pentecost. Let’s take a look at this scripture and meditate the event happened in this very day. The Holy Spirit poured out upon the disciples. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit comes from the signs and wonders. The fact that the Holy Spirit enormously showers down the power results in two manifestations. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit is like a wind and firing tongue.
There are three attributes of “Wind”:
1.    You can sense it- no matter it is breeze or strong wind; we can feel it. When the wind is blowing, we can sense and feel it. The Lord is with us for sure. The church needs to see that. The weakness of current churches is we are not so sure God is still working NOW. But often times, God chooses His timing and way to manifest His works. So that the people of this generation would have deep reverence of God.
2.    You cannot predict it- John 3:8 says, “The wind blows wherever it pleases.” You can hear the sound of wind, but you cannot know where it comes from and where it would go. Even though the high technology is so advanced; it is difficult to forecast the tornados, typhoons precisely. Similarly, the work of the Holy Spirit is not predictable, such as Azusa Street Revival moment. God chose an ordinary African American brother- William Seymour to ignite the revival fire in 1906. Therefore, we should know the lordship of revival is in God’s hands.
3.    It brings “change”- nothing can remain the same blown by a strong wind. Similarly, when the Holy Spirit fall upon us, it must bring “transformation” and our lives will no longer be the same. Sometimes, you feel chaotic or disorganized. More likely, the work of the Holy Spirit turns one life upside down, and He does “tear-down” work and remove all the barriers, darkness in one’s life. Do not be afraid, just welcome the Holy Spirit and let Him do new things in your life.

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit is like “fire”. We notice two features of “fire”:
1.    It cannot be hidden.
2.    It spreads out- the work of Holy Spirit will not be stopped by the persecution. It will grow from you, to the cell group; from your cell group to the church and to the Bay Area.
3.    It has power- it brings light and heat. In Acts 4:29-30 “Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”  Let’s continue to expect God is going to do miracles and wonders among us.
4.    It needs to be ignited- that is why you need to come to the prayer meeting. Let’s be hungry for God and obedient to the Holy Spirit so that the fire can be ignited from us.

Are we obedient enough in small things? Think about it and maybe the beginning of the revival in this church starts from you!

6/08/2011 復興禱告會


第二、風是不可預測的,約翰福音三章八節說到風隨著意思吹,你聽見風的響聲,卻不曉得從哪裡來, 往哪裏去。即使科技再怎麼發達,風的動向仍是很難預測得很精準;同樣的,聖靈何時要澆灌下來,也是很難知道,像1906年阿蘇薩街大復興運動,神揀選一為美裔黑人,在一個看似不起眼的建築物內,來帶動此復興浪潮;今天我們可以做當做的一切的準備工作,但我們也必須承認,復興的主權是在於神,所以我們才能謙卑自己來到神的面前尋求。
第三、火具有能力,火會產生光與熱並帶來能力。在使徒行傳第四章二十九至三十節看到使徒們的服事是極具能力的; 聖靈澆灌下來時候,是有神蹟奇事發生的。
