Friday, April 29, 2011

4/20/2011 Revival Prayer Meeting

Joshua 1:11-15 “….until the Lord gives them rest, as he has done for you, and until they too have taken possession of the land that the Lord your God is giving them.” God has given us the land, and we need to take the step of faith to get the ownership of the land.  

Genesis 35:1-5 “Bethel” was the where God met with Jacob. There is a reason that God chose Jacob and chose Bethel to appear to Jacob. God chose Bethel because it was also the place Abraham built an altar. So, God wanted Jacob to build an altar at the same place when he was fleeing from his brother. Jacob had a dream there, in his dream; he saw a ladder connected all the way to Heaven. God’s angels went up and down on that ladder. It depicts the Heaven is opened. God’s will has no hindrance whatsoever in that place. Jacob met God there, in Bethel.
Today, God is also calling us to build the altar of prayer; we also have spiritual heavens in our lives. It should be opened so that there will be no hindrance between you and God. When will this heaven be opened? It starts from your heart. Get rid of idols in your mind. The idols can be your worries, things you are afraid of etc. Brothers and sisters, we can just simply come before God and proclaim to get rid of those idols.
Next, we need to purify ourselves. How? Think about where are the places you like to hang out? Spend most of your time at? Or speak about? Spend time to pray, like a priest, to pray for yourself, leaders, career, cell group and community etc.
Then, what should we expect? 1) The spiritual heaven will be opened. 2) God will answer our prayers. 3) God’s favor will rest upon us. Brothers and sisters, God wants us to rise up and come to build the altar of prayer now where we can see another spiritual heaven will be opened so that we can hear God’s plan and will clearly from Him.
Today in your mind, what occupies you most of the time? Give it to God and remove it from your mind, experience the opened heaven in your spiritual life once again!! 

4/20/2011 復興禱告會


那我們該期待什麼會發生?1)你個人屬靈天空會被打開 2)神將應允你我的禱告 3)神的恩寵會臨到我們。弟兄姊妹,神要將我們興起來建立禱告祭壇,讓我們ㄧ同來建造,看見神的旨意與計畫於我們生命中流露!



Thursday, April 28, 2011

4/06/2011 Revival Prayer Meeting

Ezkiel 37:10  So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath enter them; they became to life and stood up on their feet- a vast army.
The people in the church will rise up, new anointing and healing is moving among us. Those whose spirits are like dry bones will become alive again. The prayer meeting will become a celebration, festival that draws visitors coming to receive the blessings from the Lord.
Message (guest speaker: Rev. Dean Sherman)
Hebrews 11:6 says, “Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and they he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” So, God is pleased by our faith. We must believe and God is the rewarder. Prayer or long hour prayer meeting does not please God unless it accompanies with faith. When we pray, we must believe and expect. Numbers 13 illustrates what makes God most displeased is unbelief.  
Hebrews 4:16 “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” So we know we can expect something, our faith is based on grace. Jesus died for us and we have access now to enter the holy place.
Jesus teaches us ask and keep on asking, knock and keep knocking. Whoever keeps asking “will” receive. He also tells us how Kingdom works. In Luke 8, the woman took the initiative by exercising her faith so that she got healed. Her faith touches Jesus because she was so determined to get the healing from Jesus.
Mathew6:7-8 says “When you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” The amount of time of prayer, length of prayer, intensity of prayer, and sacrificialness of prayer will not make our prayers to be answered by God. Jesus sacrificed himself for us so that we can have the access; it is a gift from God.
How should we pray then, Jesus teaches us in Mathew 6:9 “Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be your name…” therefore you and I can have the confidence as Jesus to come before God. God is never away from us.
Lastly, we should be dependent on God. He wants us to rely on Him every day. God likes to maneuver you into a place of need. Why? Because he wants to meet your needs. That is where the intimacy and relationship comes from. Don’t feel hesitate or shamed to come before Him and ask.

Do you really believe God will do something when you ask? This week, just exercise your faith and come boldly before His throne and ask. God wants to be needed!

4/06/2011 復興禱告會


Dean Sherman牧師分享
馬太福音67-8節:「你們禱告,不可像外邦人,用許多重複的話,他們以為話多了必蒙垂聽。你們不可效法他們,因為你們沒有祈求以先,你們所需用的,你們的父早已知道了。」禱告時間的多寡 ,質量或犧牲式的禱告並不會使神更能應允你的禱告,實際上耶穌基督已經犧牲他自己,所以我們才有管道向神祈求,這是從神來的恩典,信心是最重要的。那我們應該怎麼禱告?馬太福音69節主教導我們:我們在天上的父願人尊你的名為聖」所以我們知道能有信心來到他面前他是慈愛的父神希望如同耶穌到父神面前ㄧ樣,神從不離棄我們


Friday, April 1, 2011

03/30/2011 Prayer Meeting

Micah 6:8   He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Because of God’s great mercy, our prayer meeting has been moved to Emmanuel chapel. We should keep standing in awe of God to witness God’s glory. God will also make our path bright and smooth, cleanse the uncleanness. We can just walk on our bare feet closely with God.
The wind of opportunities is still blowing and it is getting stronger and stronger. As we received this prophet- the wind of Opportunities, what can we do to remain in this wind of rival? Usually, revival brings out three effects: 1. Life    2. Blow away the enemies’ works    3.Power
First of all, in Ezekiel 37, the dry bones refer to the Israelis but actually we can be the “dry bones” as well. Do you lose hope in God? Why we lose our hope in God? Couple of reasons: 1. Our difficulty is greater than what we can bear, 2. Unanswered prayer. But we need to remind ourselves that God never forgets you and me. We are always in His hands and He is still working on behalf of us. So let’s pick up the hope in God and “alive” again.
Secondly, the wind of revival can also blow away all the works of enemies’. Psalm 68:1 says: “May God arise, may his enemies scattered; may his foes flee before him.” Sometimes we allow the enemies to deceive us so that we cannot see God is sitting on the throne. We doubt, have fears and cannot hear the voice of God. When the wind of God comes, these works will be blown away.
Lastly, in Act 2:2, as the apostles in early church stage, we should ask Holy spirit pour His power pour upon us and it can bring changes. In Gospels, disciples just watched Jesus doing miracles and wonders, but in Acts, they performed and did wonders in the name of Jesus. Their serving was with God’s power so that miracles and wonders tremendously increased. We also need to ask the Holy Spirit to renew our lives day by day. Do not use tiredness as an excuse. Especially when you feel extremely tired, ask God’s presence and Holy Spirit to fill you.
Do you have hope in the Lord? Or do you feel you want to distant yourself from God because of the unanswered prayers? Do not be deceived by the enemies and fix your eyes on God. Simply ask God to bring the wind of revival into your spiritual life again!

3/30/2011 復興禱告會分享

禱告會從El Shaddai移至Emmanuel 大堂都是因為神的憐憫,求神再次提醒我們有顆謙卑的心,敬畏站立在神面前,見證神的榮耀;神也將他的光除去我們不潔淨的東西,使我們的道路平順光滑,再次緊緊跟隨他。

從去年九月開始就一直在講機會的風,講了很久為何還沒講完?因為此風還是繼續吹,而且越吹越強,要趕快把握住這機會。那我們要怎樣才可在復興的風之下?通常會有三種果效: 1. 生命  2. 吹散仇敵的工作 3. 帶來能力
